Panel 4

Producing Knowledge with/about Machines (in english)

Chair: Paula Helm (Tübingen)

[…] using AR in education may contribute to a shift in knowledge acquisition from a focus on factual knowledge to a focus on competencies […].

2:00–2:40 pm
Wulf Loh (Tübingen): Learning with and from Augmented Reality. A Shift in Knowledge Acquisition? 

Recently in educational theory and psychology, a focus has been placed on Augmented Reality (AR), as with it comes the “promise of creating direct, automatic, and actionable links between the physical world and electronic information” (Schmalstieg and Hollerer 2016), thereby increasing overall learning performance. In this talk, however, I am primarily interested whether and how employing AR might shift the kind of knowledge that is acquired and what possible repercussions this may have. 

Drawing on the longstanding epistemological debate about the differences between Knowledge-How (KH) and Knowledge-That (KT), the talk explores different ways in which AR environments change understanding through visualizations, trial-and-error learning, and gamification elements. As a result, using AR in education may contribute to a shift in knowledge acquisition from a focus on factual knowledge to a focus on competencies, and thereby facilitate the ongoing paradigm shift in educational theory from encyclopedic factual knowledge to teaching competencies and soft skills.

Wulf Loh is a postdoctoral researcher (Akad. Rat) at the Int. Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) at the University of Tuebingen. He acts as an advisor for various technology development projects, where he leads the assessment of the ethical and social implications (ELSI). His research areas include philosophy of technology (media ethics, privacy and digital public spheres, ethics of AI, robot ethics), social philosophy (social ontology, practice theory, critical theory), political philosophy (legitimacy, democracy and public spheres, global constitutionalism), and legal philosophy (philosophy of int. law).

Who acts as originator of certain data or content is no longer necessarily apparent or traceable.

2:40–3:20 pm
Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda (Klagenfurt): Collaborations between Humans and Machines
in the Production of Knowledge

In various academic disciplines, work is increasingly being done with new data sources, such as social media content or data traces generated by the use of Internet-of-Things technologies. The new research methods of data science and machine learning are used in the analysis of this data, and are also often applied on social media platforms to analyze user behavior, reflect trends or even predict them. New types of knowledge production emerge from complex collaborations between human and non-human actors. The research meant here is embedded in a network of connections between the variable affordances of (commercial), more-or-less automated and algorithmically curated internet platforms; the third-party tools that support data collection, processing, and analysis; different data formats; research institutions and infrastructures; and the tools and platforms provided by research communities themselves. Who acts as originator of certain data or content is no longer necessarily apparent or traceable. A traditional source criticism, for example, would quickly reach its limits. 

The contribution will examine the new collaborations between human and non-human actors in the generation of knowledge. The focus will be on how these collaborations are both globally networked and locally anchored.

Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda is Professor of Human Sciences of the Digital at the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in Austria. She works at the intersection between social sciences and computer science. Her research interests are emerging epistemological concepts for social media and big data; data ethics; privacy, data protection & security; algorithms; casual games; and the Internet of Things. At the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), she is currently investigating users’ understandings of the use of new methods of data science ( In the NoBIAS project (, the focus is on machine learning as a special form of artificial intelligence (AI) and research is conducted into the mechanisms of emergence of algorithmic discrimination.

[…] it is becoming increasingly clear from experience, particularly in the social sphere, that focusing on purely statistical and numerical aspects in data analysis fails to capture social nuances or take ethical criteria into account.

3:20–4:00 pm
Claudia Müller-Birn (Berlin): About the Challenges and Opportunities of Human-Machine Collaboration

In recent years, the field of data-driven decision support has developed rapidly due to significant advances in the area of machine learning. This development has opened up new opportunities in a variety of social, scientific, and technological fields. However, it is becoming increasingly clear from experience, particularly in the social sphere, that focusing on purely statistical and numerical aspects in data analysis fails to capture social nuances or take ethical criteria into account. A widespread assumption is that data-based software systems can replace people in their decision-making processes. Often, the introduction of software is seen as a “substitution problem.” In a fixed human workflow, specific tasks are replaced by an algorithm, which results in, among other things, less work, fewer errors, and higher accuracy. However, two challenges need to be considered: Technologies are not value-neutral. Delegating formerly manual tasks to software (or vice versa) leads to significant shifts in social practices and responsibilities. 

Therefore, in this talk, I advocate an alternative approach when designing software systems. By using participative methods, existing interdependencies of collaborative human-machine activities should be disclosed. The insights gained from these methods can complement quantitative machine learning approaches with qualitative data. Furthermore, the software’s decision model should be transparently communicated and interactively explorable by humans. 

Claudia Müller-Birn is a Professor of Human-Centered Computing at the Institute of Computer Science of the Freie Universität Berlin. With her interdisciplinary team, she researches in the areas of collaborative computing and human-computer interaction. The focus is on interactive intelligent systems, i.e., designing participatory and sustainable technologies that enable human-machine collaboration. Her current research focuses on machine learning, privacy, and conversational interfaces. Her theory-driven research includes both an empirical and an engineering dimension.