Social, Cultural and Ethical Consequences of new Human-Machine Interactions (in german)
Chair: Johanna Seifert (Hagen/München)
12:00–12:40 pm
Janina Loh (Wien): Responsibility in Human-Robot Interaction

In my presentation I will proceed in three steps: In the first part, I will outline the traditional concept of responsibility with its five relational elements and summarize the conditions that must be met to call someone potentially responsible. In the second part of my talk, I will outline the three fields of research in the discipline of robot ethics by distinguishing between (2.1) robots as potential moral agents, (2.2) robots as moral patients, and (2.3) inclusive approaches. Finally, in the third part of my talk, I will analyze the phenomenon of responsibility within these three fields of robot ethics – (3.1) robots as responsible agents, (3.2) robots as objects of responsible actions, and (3.3) responsibility within inclusive approaches. For obvious reasons, I will focus on moral responsibility and cannot talk about other important responsibilities such as criminal or political responsibility.

12:40–1:20 pm
Armin Grunwald (Karlsruhe): Robots as Colleagues – The Anthropomorphization of Digital Technology and the Self-Technicalization of Humans
Fast advances in AI technologies and robotics are leading to new HMI. My first observation is that technical systems are increasingly anthropomorphized in daily language and in human perception. These systems are perceived as counterparts of humans “on equal footing” in many programmatic papers. For example, this is a widespread use of language in the context of the so-called Industry 4.0.” Vice versa, tendencies toward an increasing self-conceptualization of humans as technical systems can be observed. Following digital models, humans are seen as data-based calculation machines, so to speak, as “computers on two legs.” In my presentation, I will explain and underpin both observations and draw conclusions in ethical and anthropological respect.
1:20–2:00 pm
Irina Gradinari (Hagen): The Cyborg’s Gaze. On Embodied Technologies
Cyborgs in film are located between cinematic traditions, the capitalistic system, and digital technologies (e.g. morphing software), which have now been developed to such an extent that the genre of sci-fi is undergoing fundamental changes. The future has now arrived: We live in a pluralistic world in which artificial intelligence acts as humans and humans as machines. With the performance of cyborgs as (universally conceived) humans, gender, class, race, and ethnicity markers are renegotiated on the one hand, and new forms of desire and political needs are generated on the other. Against the background of feminist debates on New Materialism and STS research as well as feminist film theories, I will show how classical concepts of gaze and identification shaped by film have been shifted: Cyborgs no longer function as “the other,” but as acting subjects and subjects of gaze.