12:00 pm
Opening of the Online Spaces
12:30 pm
Welcome: Thomas Bedorf (Head of FSP digital_culture), Ada Pellert (Rector of FernUniversität in Hagen)
Panel 1: What’s New in the Field of Human-Machine Interaction? (in german)
(Moderation: Sebastian Schleidgen, Hagen)
1:00 pm
Gabriele Gramelsberger (Aachen): Machine-Rational Sociality. Critique of the Sociality Inscribed in Machine Learning Procedures (more)
1:40 pm
Manfred Hild (Berlin): tba (more & video)
2:20 pm
Christopher Coenen (Karlsruhe): The Digitalisation of Taylorism: From Alterity to Embodiment and Back Again? (more & video)
3:00 pm
Panel 2: Dimensions of Experience in Human-Machine Interaction (in german)
(Moderation: Daniel Schubbe, Hagen)
3:30 pm
Thomas Bedorf (Hagen): Hermeneutic of Machines (more)
4:10 pm
Christian Leineweber (Hagen): Paradoxes in the Digital – On the Phenomenon of Human-Machine Interaction from the Perspective of Education Theory (more)
4:50 pm
Kevin Liggieri (Darmstadt): Anthropocentrism in Human-Machine-Interaction. A Perspective from Anthropology of Technology (more)
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
Keynote I (in english): Paul Peter Verbeek (Twente): On Intertechnicality: Postphenomenology, New Materialism, and Digital Materiality (more & video)
(Moderation: Selin Gerlek, Hagen/Munich)